Flashback Friday: ‘EHS Gets Face Lift’ From Oct. 30, 1999
The high school had some major changes to make it the place it is today
The high school had some major changes to make it the place it is today
Junior Gwen Scadlock and ninth-grader Alyssa Woolcott competed for West Valley Dance studio
Student behavior at a Hello dance draws criticism
Check out this gallery of half-court shots and Hi-Q teams; new NHS members named
81 students come out for the track team and the girls beat Junction City
The theme for the week, May 15-21, is 'Dementia Diagnosis'
Due to budget problems and a loss of staff, EHS had an average class size of 34 students
Ethan Eutsler places 1st, and Madisan Ginter and Kaden Velarde earn Merit Awards