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Yes Votes Lead by Narrow Margin for FRSD Bond Measure 20-354

The race is close for the approval of bond Measure 20-354, which will provide the Fern Ridge School District 22 million dollars for district-wide improvements.

Lane Country Elections released voting data Friday night, where votes for the approval are leading by 63 votes. It is an extremely close race, separated by only 1.76% of ballots counted.

The final results will be announced June 17.

The bond will approve 16.115 million dollars at the historic average tax rate of two dollars and 20 cents per 1,000 dollars. If passed, the State of Oregon has committed to match six million dollars in funds for the planned projects.

All of the planned projects and additional information have been detailed on the FRSD Bond website and broken down in Falcon News story “Fern Ridge School Board Approves Bond Measure 20-354 for May Ballot.”

Election data and updates can be found at the Lane County Elections website.